Over 600 Lakes!

Over 600 Lakes!
Bat Lake - Minden

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Did Someone Say CRAZY Spring??

It is now obvious that Real Estate South of The Highlands does eventually affect The Highlands. As I reflect over the last two months, it is apparent that things are changing. Our real estate board statistics show that listings are down 22% this May compared to last May, and real estate professionals are seeing the difference. Buyers are ready to buy....and we need more Sellers.
One of the trends happening right now is the ability for people who were thinking about early retirement to move forward. The market in Southern Ontario is allowing people to take that next step....make a strong return on their city home and have money left over when they buy their retirement property.
Some Buyers are looking to the future, buying their property now and using it as a cottage until they are ready to retire, and others are leaving their jobs and making the move that they have been thinking about. It is a very exciting time. Although prices have increased slightly in The Highlands, property here (and taxes) are still in a very affordable price range and Buyers have money left over to use throughout retirement.
What about properties that are not year-round? Increased equity available to Buyers due to the strong market is also putting a strong demand on these properties also. They are moving fast - it is becoming difficult to find listings to advertise!
Due to the lack of listings, this Spring has seen a marked increase in multiple offers and quick sales. If your property is priced correctly - it will sell.
Bring on the busy season - I am ready, are you?