Time to breathe.....December has arrived and Buyers and Sellers start thinking of Christmas,
shopping and family. They have no time for real estate. This is the perfect opportunity for me to step back, review the events of the past season, and plan for a new season.
Haliburton, Minden and The Haliburton Highlands in general, saw brisk markets this year, as did most of Ontario. Our prices did not soar, but it was definitely a Seller's market. Buyers were ready to buy and the number of listings available for them to choose was down.
A fabulous meeting yesterday, sponsored by TD Canada Trust, declared that next year will be close to this year, but a bit calmer due to some of the new lending regulations that came into effect near the end of October.
What does this mean to the Seller? to the Buyer? I wish to take a moment to talk to the Seller. More than ever it is important to pick the right Agent (not the agent that gives you the highest quote for your property).
Here is my checklist (contact me by email or phone if you wish an actual form to use during your interviews):
1) Contact 2 or 3 sales representatives to meet with you;
2) Ask your neighbours if they have heard anything about their reputation;
3) Check each website - look for quality and resources. Not necessarily number of listings - some agents with fewer listings can give excellent service because they have more time for you, and they give more value to getting your listing;
4) During your meeting with each representative: a) did they come prepared (done any homework on your property ahead of time?) b) did they bring samples of their work and a presentation package that you can keep? c) do they know the neighbourhood, are they familiar with other sales in your area/on your lake? d) are they relatable? Do you feel comfortable with them, does their approach make you feel like they care about your listing? If they are rattling on about how busy they are - maybe they are too busy for you! e) Ask them about their ongoing education - what courses have they taken lately to keep at the top of their game;
5) Does the agent offer you a price right then and there, or do they get back to you with a price. Beware of off-the-cuff responses to value. Again, it comes down to value, your property is worth more research and preparation than a quick verbal value. A good sales representative will not bow to pressure to give a "general idea" during the meeting.
6) Last but not least - and this is important.....do NOT simply choose the agent that quotes you the highest value on your property! Especially in a market such as this, where competition between agents for listings is brutal, it is so important to work with the agent that gives you the most comfort level. Most agents, if you disagree on price, will list your property at the price you request - for a time. They will "try" your price first as long as you are willing to re-evaluate if the results are not as expected. Therefore, choose the right agent - not the right quote.